Course Description

Founder of Academy of Magnetic Intuition, Transformation Coach and Acupuncturist

Andrea Sun

Are you a coach or wellness practitioner looking to build unshakable confidence in today's fast-changing world, no matter what challenges you face in your business and life? . Do you find doubt, fear, anxiety, and other obstacles creeping in even when business is slow or as you aim for the next level? (Like old health issues flaring up again) . Imagine having the unshakable confidence to bounce back, every time. . Envision mastering your intuition to achieve transformative client results, magnetising more repeat signups, referrals, and becoming the Go-to-Intuitive Wellness Coach and leader in your field. . You CAN create a fulfilling, magnetic, and sustainable business and life that aligns with your values and passions, without burning out! . Join us, in my private Facebook group, and you'll get regular FREE leading-edge training and inspiring success stories on becoming more magnetic, intuitive, and maintaining mastery in your field. . Our mission is to unite coaches and practitioners to support generational confidence, intuition, and well-being for our families, clients, and future generations. . Let's unite and make a difference together! . Please share with your business besties... and I can't wait to get to know you more! With love and abundant Intuitive Qi, Andrea xo

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Week 1: 28/10/20

    • Week 1: recording and home play (see below)

    • Which business are you right now? (Let's build sustainable foundations every day)

    • Business and Life cycles

  • 2

    Week 2: 4/11/20

    • Week 2: recording and home play

  • 3

    Week 3: 11/11/20

    • Week 3: recording

    • 11 week plan

    • YOUR Peaceful mind, nourishes effortless prosperity

    • Human DO-ing to BE-ing

    • Declaration: I AM a Magnetic Goddess

    • Home-play 1: Commitment

    • Home-play 2: IT'S SAFE for me to be a Magnetic Goddess

  • 4

    Week 4: 18/11/20

    • Week 4: recording: 18/11/20 (see homeplay BELOW)

  • 5

    Week 5: 25/11/20

    • Week 5: recording: 25/11/20

    • Homeplay: Week 5: Build Consistent Confidence (STATE)

  • 6

    Week 6: 2/12/2020

    • Week 6: recording 2/12/20

    • Week 6: Homeplay 1

    • Week 6: Homeplay 2 (Bring NEXT week- 4 wk goal & CEF daily checklist)

    • Confident Entrepreneur Foundations Daily Checklist (Print off 7x copies- bring NEXT week)

  • 7

    Week 7: 9/12/2020

    • Week 7: recording 9/12/20

    • Week 7: Homeplay: 4 week goal

  • 8

    Week 8: 16/12/2020

    • Week 8: recording 16/12/20

    • Magnetic Goddess Mastermind: 4 week goals: 9 Dec- 20 Jan 21

    • Money tree

  • 9

    Week 9: 23/12/2020

    • Week 9: Recording

  • 10

    Week 10: 13/1/2021

    • Week 10: Recording (& brief update re MGBM2021)

  • 11

    Week 11: 20/1/2021

    • Week 11: Recording (From "NEEDING" money to always "HAVING" money & Celebration of Goals!!!)

    • NEXT step... Imagine it's 31/12/21, you're feeling sooooo fullfilled & successful, what were the TOP 3 goals/highlights of 2021? Ask your intuition: What % benefit was MGM21?

    • Magnetic Goddess Business Master-Mind Offer (Download & Share: FREE 1:1 75min Pellowah: Early Bird ENDS 22 Jan midnight AEST)